Is Donald Trump Boning Kellyanne and Omarosa?

Is Donald Trump Boning Kellyanne and Omarosa?

That question is not unfair. It is not malevolent. And it certainly is not sarcasm.

That question is a political and moral question, as legitimate and valid as any sensible motion an attorney presents in a rape case. That question is about the character of the Lucifer behind the White Evangelical Christian cult. It is about the grand wizard of the Republican Party, about the fuhrer of your United States. About Donald Trump as septic tank and toilet.

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Paula White, Donald Trump and Plantation Christianity

Paula White, Donald Trump and Plantation Christianity

On November 18, 1978, more than 900 members of the Christian evangelical and Pentecostal cult, the Peoples Temple, died in a mass murder-suicide at the demand of their white false prophet and cult leader Jim Jones. The massacre occurred at the Jonestown settlement, named after Jones, in the South American nation of Guyana.

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