Would a president Donald Trump govern as a child molester?

Never discount the menace of a raving maniac. Thus, what Donald Trump does, he does gallantly. He does it with the seemingly unseen salute of a Nazi sympathizer, with the venom of a thousand blitzkrieg trumpets, and makes the ghost of Hitler smile with pride.

And now that the proceedings in a federal lawsuit filed in New York—accusing Trump of repeatedly raping a 13-year-old girl over 20 years ago at several Upper East Side New York City parties hosted by convicted sex offender and notorious billionaire investor Jeffrey Epstein—now that those proceedings have been delayed, we must wait a little longer to find out whether he also is a technician in the field of child rape.

An anonymous woman, Jane Doe, using the name Katie Johnson, named Trump and Epstein in a $100 million lawsuit, alleging that they solicited sex acts from her at sex parties held at their Manhattan homes in 1994, when she was 13. The woman claims that she was a slave of Epstein and that Trump was the one who spoiled her virginity.

The Pathetic Case of Billionaire Child Molester Jeffrey Epstein
Epstein is a vulgar “billionaire pedophile,” a vulture who preys on little girls as if they were the left-over carcasses of a sad innocence. He is now a Level 3 registered sex offender—the most dangerous kind, “a threat to public safety”—after being convicted of misconduct with another underage girl. He served 13 months in jail and has been named in multiple similar lawsuits over the last several years and has been known to pay his accusers for their silence.

For example, the 56-year-old money manager has quietly settled with Jane Doe 102, an unnamed woman who alleged in federal court in Florida that Epstein had induced her to “serve his every sexual whim” from the time she was 15 until she was 19. The woman also claimed Epstein had flown her around the world, paying her “to be sexually exploited by [his friends] ... including royalty, politicians, academicians [and] businessmen.”

Epstein flatly denied those charges. But a source close to the financier confirms “the matter has been resolved to the satisfaction of both parties.” The woman's lawyer, Robert Josefsberg, wouldn't say how much she’s getting. But Epstein has in the past offered accusers a minimum of $150,000.

Yet, an upright and squeaky clean Trump praises Epstein as, in a statement he made to a reporter a few years ago, a man he has known “for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it, Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Jane Doe’s Struggle to Get Her Lawsuit Against Donald Trump Filed
Jane Doe initially filed a lawsuit in California in April 2016, under the name Katie Johnson, accusing Trump and Epstein of rape. However, the judge dismissed the suit in May 2016, not because her case was weak, but on the grounds of improper paperwork. She had filed her lawsuit without an attorney.

Jane Doe then refiled the suit in June 2016 in New York federal court, even though the statute of limitations in New York for civil rape cases is five years. Jane Doe’s attorney, Thomas Meagher, argues that the time limit should be waived, noting that the plaintiff was too frightened to report the abuse, because Trump had threatened that if she did, “her family would be physically harmed if not killed.”

A video reportedly featuring “Katie Johnson”—her identity hidden through the use of facial pixelation, a long blonde wig and an electronic voice distorter—has appeared online. In the video, she graphically describes giving Donald Trump a hand job and then being raped by him.
Trump, a clown and serial liar, says the charges are “not only categorically false, but disgusting at the highest level and clearly framed to solicit media attention or, perhaps, are simply politically motivated,” adding that “There is absolutely no merit to these allegations. Period.”

Then, Who is Tiffany Doe?
Tiffany Doe, a witness in Jane Doe’s lawsuit—who says she recruited Jane Doe at the Port Authority in New York, who persuaded Jane Doe to attend Epstein’s parties, who watched as Trump performed four sexual assaults on Jane Doe—that Tiffany Doe corroborates the claims made by Jane Doe in her lawsuit.

Tiffany Doe even references the eerie fate of 12-year-old Maria Doe, whom she says Trump also assaulted. She says Trump not only threatened the life of Jane Doe if she ever revealed what happened, but that she would “disappear” like Maria if she did.

What does that mean? Was Maria murdered and her body dumped in the Atlantic Ocean or burned on a woodpile? Was she sold as a sex slave to men from Hungary or Thailand? Is she now held captive with other girls and boys, other men and women, in a cage or wet, dirty dungeon, in chains to be raped almost every night?

So how should we respond to the accusations? Did Trump rape Jane Doe? Or is Jane Doe lying? Or is Jane Doe suffering from a genuine delusion?

We could just suspend judgment and let the outcome of the lawsuit decide. But experience begs us not to. Why?

Because the U.S. justice system is one of the most unjust in the world. Because the United States is a country where the rich can hire wealthy, well-tailored attorneys to argue legally against the truth and unjustly win, while the poor must suffer the whelps of unjust court decisions when they can’t pay for exceptional legal representation.

In the United States, the victims of rape are more often than not scorned and ridiculed, while the perpetrators of rape are either found innocent or given a very light sentence if convicted and, in some communities, hailed as heroes.

But there are even more powerful reasons why we should deem Trump guilty before the trial begins and not innocent after the trial ends, if the lawsuit fails: Character! Character! Character!

Donald Trump, the Chronic Liar
As alluded to previously, Trump is addicted to lying. Lying is his cocaine; it is his heroin. He snorts the coke in his dreams and injects the smack in his nightmares. And as commonsense tells us, a liar lives to reverse the truth. He will tell you a fireplace is a cold shower, even as he stands in front of it and warms his hands over the logs’ flames.

Much like a rapist, a man addicted to lying will testify at his own trial that his crime never occurred or was not criminal. Even if the prosecutor played a video of him raping four or five or nine little girls, as well as their teddy bears and their smiling blond-haired Barbie dolls, he will insist he is innocent.

Trump has lied about his mafia connections. He lies when he says he is not a racist. And he lies when he insists he doesn’t incite violence.

Indeed, every word he speaks, every insult that, like vile saliva, drops from his lips, enhances the reputation, over and over again, that he is a natural-born liar.

Trump’s Sexism
A sexist is not a saint, not some angel whose wings shine with bronze stars. He is just as capable of rape as any other human being. And in Trump’s case, sexism is his syphilis.

In speeches and interviews, Trump says he likes women. Yet, during the beauty pageants he once owned, beauty contestants and female business associates accused him of sexism and sexually harassing them. He says these accusations are false. But if you believe an undisputed liar and sexist when he says he loves women, you might as well believe the mountains of women who say he is mad.

Trump’s Pernicious Will
In the lawsuit against Trump, Meagher, Jane Doe’s attorney, makes a compelling argument for New York’s statute of limitations regarding child rape civil cases to be waived. In the suit, Jane Doe says both Trump and Epstein “let plaintiff know that each was a very wealthy, powerful man and indicated that they had the power, ability and means to carry out their threats.”

Thus, if Trump has the “power, ability and means” to carry out his threat against Jane Doe, he also has the audacity, sinisterness and means to rape her.

The Frightening Possibility That Oozes From a Terrifying Reality
Unlike former U.S. president Jimmy Carter, who has not been accused of being a sexist or a woman hater before, during or after his presidency—who is known as a good man, a humanitarian, a man of deep and authentic Christian faith, a dove in actions and a pearl in personality—Trump carries the character of a water tank rotten and rusted on the inside.

He reminds us of U.S. presidents well-known as sexual perverts, such as Thomas Jefferson, who owned hundreds of slaves and raped many of his women slaves, young and old,  and Warren G. Harding, who named the vagina of one of his mistresses, “Mrs. Pouterson” and had sex with “Nan” regularly in a White House closet.

Hence, if Trump is a child rapist, as Jane Doe and Tiffany Doe and other women claim, the consequences of electing a child molester as president inspires gloom and turns the eyes red with despair.

Would he convert the White House into a brothel of children? Would he use a White House bathroom to fondle a little girl from Arkansas before he rapes her in a White House bedroom? Would he use the Oval Office to sit precious little ones on his lap as he rubs or licks their privates? Would spiders beneath the White House’s press room floor scamper their offspring from the cobwebs every time Trump walks in for fear he would molest one of the younger insects?

Given the huge financial, legal and lack-of-character advantages Trump has over Jane Doe, which could result in her losing her child rape lawsuit, men and women of integrity must remember one incontestable fact about Donald Trump and the injustice of the American legal system: Sometimes, an accusation unsubstantiated is more truthful than evidence substantiated.