Sieg Heil, Donald Trump! Welcome to Hell!

When Donald Trump’s storm troopers attacked anti-racist protesters at Trump rallies at the University of Illinois at Chicago, in Kansas City, Missouri, in Fayetteville, North Carolina, in Salt Lake City, Utah, and in other cities, it reminded us of a long, terrible nightmare in world history.

Nazi Germany’s air force dropping bombs on London, Nazi artillery shredding the bodies of thousands of Russian children in a smoldering Leningrad, and the boots of Nazi soldiers stomping the heads of French women and elderly men only a few hours before they goose-stepped down the streets of Paris.

Does the buffoon of the Republican Party really think his creeping but loud imitation of Adolph Hitler in his earliest days would go unnoticed in these latter days?

Time runs softly until her time is up. Then, she bursts like an oil pipeline or pitches fast balls of fire at every form of racism and every bat of violence hate brings to the plate.

Why? Because the consequences of Europe and the United States ignoring the rise of Hitler manufactured millions of coffins, dug millions of unknown graves and marked gravestones still whispering the epitaph “Innocence is myth.” amid the fogs of night.

Today, however, the skins of millions of Americans itch with the fear of Hitler’s latest rising from the grave, a diabolical real estate billionaire, a candle light to the monster whose wickedness he hopes to resemble but whose atrocities he can hardly match.

Now, these millions of Americans have put on the bullet-proof vests of resolve, wear helmets of determination and brandish rifles of self-protection, while marching to the cadence “Never again!”

Black Americans have a more deep concern than most. And, therefore, Trump, you cannot count on docile, slave-like blacks to anoint your feet with oil anymore. Instead, many blacks have changed tactics in at least three punitive ways.

First, unlike some civil rights organizations, unlike some black celebrities, some black churches and some old, antiquated black scholars—who aim to promote themselves above the needs of others, who intend to bolster their white friends at the expense of their own dignity, and who inflate the reputations of their leader-idols, while the tires of the black struggle gasp for more air—unlike such hemorrhages in black society, black millennials, black progressives, Black Lives Matter proponents, young black scholars and blacks who wave the flag of hip hop culture will not “baaaa” like sheep.

Then, though you have attracted a handful of negro republicans, a spoonful of negro conservatives to caress the palms of your sweaty despotism, to the majority of blacks, to those that really matter, the Ben Carsons of the white world and their right-wing, republican masters were rejected almost two centuries ago, when “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” first appeared, and even before then.

Hence, if we give up now the fresh freedoms our forefathers and foremothers fought so hard to gain, even a thousand years of pity may not move a sympathetic God to unseal his ears, hear the sniffles of a regretful people, and give back to us the emeralds of freedom again.

Better to die a million deaths than to re-shackle the irons of slavery around our wrists. Better to rust like pipes than hand over the future to a domestic demagogue.

Finally, I guess you never expected an army of courageous peoples who cherish racial and social justice to resist you, knowing you are strawberry incense to bigots but tear gas to justice.

During World War II, the United States allied with England, France, Russia and other nations to defeat Hitler and his demons. Now, blacks have allied with Latinos, natives, Asians and whites more vigorously than ever to exorcise from the human spirit you, Hitler’s cannibal, and your brigade of sorcerers, the witches white republicans, white supremacists and white right-wing Christians.

Thus, whereas previously you could count on passive civil rights leaders to leave a gap for you to escape divine retribution, today you face blacks and their compatriots who are not mice but men, not wimps but amazons of angry women.

Can you see where all of this is heading, Mr. Egomaniac, you First Soldier of the German Reich? You speak the rhetoric of hate, you threaten non-violence with violence, you reward bigotry with the gold medal of praise. Do you think your sins will go unpunished?

You don’t really think liberty will just give you her diamonds and pearls, as if they were a box of crackers, do you?

One should not coil a righteous cause around the neck of an enemy unless you intend to strangle him. And in your case, Trumpf, unless you repent, the coil will tighten every day.