Estonia and Obama’s Neo-Nazi Strategy in the Ukraine


Sometimes, a mistake leads to horrible consequences that go beyond the mistake itself. President Barack Obama’s strategy of providing political, economic and military support for the neo-Nazi-infected regime of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko demonstrates this fact.

In fact, Poroshenko’s acceptance of Obama’s endorsement has now angered neo-Nazis all over western Ukraine, resulting in protests, violence, murder and attempts to force Poroshenko out of office. For neo-Nazis, though Poroshenko is corrupt, he is not corrupt enough; and though he is incompetent, he is not incompetent enough.

The country is just about broke. So what happened to the $17.5 billion-dollar loan package approved for the country by the International Monetary Fund in 2014 and the $40 billion dollars approved in 2015? The United States has given more than $300 million dollars in weapons so far to the Ukrainian military so it can mass-murder Ukrainians. Where are many of those weapons now and who owns them now?

Racism in the Ukraine has engaged in incest with racism universal, and has given birth to a Frankenstein of hate more villainous than his parents. Are his parents inbred themselves or just freaks?

Recent incidences in Estonia further display the hidden evils incarnate in this hornet’s nest Obama created in the Ukraine. Estonia is a good friend and NATO ally of the United States, along with two other Baltic countries, Latvia and Lithuania, against Russian influence in the Ukraine and Eastern Europe.

On February 24, 2015, during Estonia’s Independence Day parade, while African-American troops wearing NATO uniforms marched with Estonian soldiers along the main street of Tallinn, Estonia’s capital, neo-Nazis and other racists shouted all kinds of racial slurs at them, including, “Go back to your grandparents in Nigeria!”

On October 28, 2015, during a training exercise in Tapa, Estonia, involving U.S. A-10 jets and troops from Estonia, the United States and Germany, Colonel Jaak Tarien, the Estonian Air Force’s Chief of Staff, asked U.S. troops if they were enjoying their time in Estonia.

To his astonishment, or supposed astonishment, black troops complained that the locals insulted them and, sometimes, attacked them when they ate dinner at a restaurant or walked through the streets of Tapa or Tallinn.

The many neo-Nazi and racist whites in Estonia, whom Obama sent black troops to protect, would stand outside hotels where black soldiers were quietly resting and yell “Go back to Africa!” hundreds of times. They did not yell any insults at white U.S. troops.

And at the February 24, 2016, Estonian Independence Day Parade, neo-Nazis and racists again showed up, but their hatred was slightly muffled by police.

Yet, as in cases of neo-Nazism and racism in other countries in Europe, many Estonian politicians and military personnel don’t blame Estonia for such hate. For example, conspiracy theorists, like retired Estonian General Ants Laaneots, believe Russia has sent spies to Estonia to inspire Estonians to attack black soldiers and create friction between the United States and Estonia.

And just think, this is a country that Obama visited in 2014, and in a speech in Tallinn on September 3 of that year, before the Estonian president and in front of Estonian politicians and other Estonian citizens, lied and said “The protests in Ukraine, on the Maidan, were not led by neo-Nazis or fascists.” and“The defense of Tallinn and Riga and Vilnius is just as important as the defense of Berlin and Paris and London.”

Thus, as all the incense from Africa cannot purify the stale reality that Obama’s neo-Nazi strategy in the Ukraine increased Ukrainian neo-Nazism and racism, so it has inspired more heathens to ride in the posse of racism and neo-Nazism in Estonia, and the rest of Europe as well.

It has bolstered the confidence of neo-Nazis and racists in Estonia. It has strengthened the neo-Nazi movement in Estonia. And it has moved the welfare and security of blacks in Estonia from beneath the mulberry trees of safety and dumped them into a kettle of boiling bigotry on the verge of overheating even more.

Occasionally, Obama shows he is a frail thinker. But every now and then, he displays clear and precise moments when he is just overwhelmingly a fool. And as we all know, as intentions are the motors of the mind, a foolish mind conceives foolish deeds.

Hence, while Estonia drinks martinis with Obama during the day, she sleeps with Hitler at night.

More ironically, however, support for Nazism was unthinkable during World War II when the United States had a white president. So why is Nazism’s grandchild less of a vampire-zombie to the country’s first black president?