OK, Tyranny Won the Election. Now It’s Time to Rebel.

It’s difficult to defeat tyranny without war. That’s because a despot rules with an iron fist. If his allies and opponents don’t bow to him willingly, he threatens them. If threats only encourage them, he jails them.

And if jail doesn’t subdue them, then his foot soldiers torture those innocent souls with screwdrivers and electric cattle prods or stand them in front of a mass grave they just dug themselves, tie their hands behind their backs and fire one or two bullets in the back of their heads.

That’s what the Confederate army did. That’s what Hitler’s storm troopers did. That’s what ISIS does. And given half a chance, that’s what Donald Trump will do, or try to do, as fuhrer of the United States.

Trump’s Character Ripe for Tyranny
Within the arsenal of Trump’s character are stored all the weapons a demagogue needs to destroy those who oppose him or will not brownnose his aims.

As pathological liar, Trump can easily defraud his stooges. As bigot, he can discriminate against blacks and Latinos, Asians and Muslims, with impunity. As sexual predator, he can invite little girls into the Blue Room and rape them with a grin on his face. And he has other weapons too terrifying to tell, even if we explained them in conversations between lunch in a pizza shop and dinner at a restaurant.

Trump’s Confederates in a Union of Demagogues
Trump belongs to a diabolical political party to promote his political agenda, much like the Nazi party sanctioned Hitler’s terror policies. He has a wicked Christian sect to give him religious support, support as demonic as the Southern Baptist Convention’s original support for the Confederate States of America and segregation. And like the KKK and America’s neo-nazis, he preaches hate and white supremacy with a tongue as smooth as oil.

These realities form the muscles and nerves of Donald Trump’s America.

The Counteractions of a Pragmatic America
But Trump’s America is not a tolerant America. Trump’s America is right-wing and conservative; tolerant America is liberal and progressive. Trump’s America is a clenched fist; tolerant America is an open palm.

Tolerant America is liberal and progressive, because she cherishes justice, because she adores equality, and because she loves sitting and chatting in a park, and drinking beer and dancing to salsa in a nightclub, and looking at TV and eating spaghetti with black, brown, white, red and yellow compatriots in the living room of a friend’s home.

Trump’s America threatens all of that. The election is only a few weeks old and already Muslim women wearing hijabs are being attacked in the streets and on college campuses, already a black church in Mississippi has been set ablaze, and the KKK has called, has roared, for lynchings of blacks and Latinos.

Trump’s right-wing and conservative America is violent, hateful, racist and as full of horror as a bowl of rice with hundreds of maggots crawling in it.

Trump’s America is tyranny’s America. It is cruelty’s America. And liberal and progressive America should fight tyranny and cruelty the way liberal and progressive Americans, the way abolitionists and black freedom fighters, have fought tyranny and cruelty in the past: With protest, rebellion and, if necessary, war.

Examples From the Past
Abraham Lincoln sent Union troops south to crush the tyranny and racism of the Confederate States. Franklin Delano Roosevelt banged the drums of war to battle the tyranny and terrorism of Hitler’s Germany.

And during the Civil War, Union General William Tecumseh Sherman pounded a nail through the heart of the Confederacy by marching 60,000 Union soldiers through South Carolina and Georgia poisoning wells, burning homes, shooting southern cattle and horses, torching tons and tons of cotton, and liberating slaves.

In other words, those fighters against tyranny employed a policy of total war. Is liberal, progressive America less wise than Lincoln, Roosevelt and Sherman? If almost every form of government, including democracy, climbed the ladder of predominance through war, dismissing the notion of war and rebellion, as well as effective protest, against Trump and his expected tyrannical policies may lead to a new national nightmare.

The Danger of Imprudent Actions
At the polls, just because liberals and progressives lost does not mean liberals and progressives lost. It only means they lost the vote for the White House. But they can win the fight against tyranny over the next four years by developing clear and practical strategies of protest, rebellion and war against Trump and right-wing America.

If they don’t, all America will hatch eggs of swastikas, bombings and fresh graveyards, like in the Ukraine after President Barack Obama sanctioned a coup against the democratically-elected president, Viktor Yanukovych, and helped install a government led by neo-nazis and racists.

Rape, torture, brutality, terror and murder ensued. But Russian Ukrainians rebelled.