Donald Trump and the House Niggers

With the morals of a sewer, Donald Trump has shown he is less qualified to be president, and more like a newborn trying to change his own diapers, than an Australia swamp rat is at becoming an Uber driver.

Pathological liar, accused child molester, possible rapist, probable tax cheat, racist with the rotten smell of white supremacy, strong mafia ties, sexual predator, hater of women, intellectual skin flint, political incompetent, con man, Bernie Madoff clown, demon possessed fiend.

You could conclude that his whole body is infested with moral and spiritual depravity. Indeed, depravity fills his belly, while his belly digests it as evil, and evil sends it through his intestines as rage.

With such wealth of moral and spiritual decadence, what does Trump’s character imply, then, about the relationship between him and the blacks who support him?

Trump’s Mind-Boggling Black Support
It is inconceivable that any black—republican or democrat, independent or libertarian—would support a presidential candidate as spiritually and morally immoral as Trump, as racist as Trump.

If such blacks oppose the KKK, you would think they would not support Trump. But they do. If they condemn neo-nazis and other white supremacists, you would expect them to support Hillary Clinton or Jill Stein or Gary Johnson or someone else. But they don’t.

Some of them—such as Omarosa Manigault, Katrina Pierson, Ben Carson, Herschel Walker, Dennis Rodman and Darrell Scott—vow to vote for Trump through thick and think, even if he is a bigot, even if a court or the facts determined that he is a child rapist.

Moreover, even more preposterous, they want the whole of black America to support Trump, even though Trump assails all of black America. Such racist support for a racist is like a septic … well, it’s just hard to believe. Yet, that’s what they pitch, that’s what they tout, that’s the plague of roaches they breed.

Why would they follow, like a trail of worms, that re-creation of Hitler? They would argue that his views on politics, economics and social order mirror theirs. But there are also other sinister reasons, reasons very wicked and very evil that define the perverted relationship between them and Trump

The Diabolical Relationship Between Trump and His Black Supporters
Three characteristics of the relationship between Trump and his blacks sicken us.

First, as Ziad K. Abdelnour says in his book Economic Warfare: Secrets of Wealth Creation in the Age of Welfare Politics, “Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots.” Change the words “rumors are” to “bigotry is” and one relationship that exists between Trump and his blacks becomes apparent.

It is the relationship between a fool and his idiots. Trump, as comedian and clown, as buffoon and trickster, has walked onto the podium of presidential politics with his black supporters as his sidekicks. He jokes and lies about his concern for blacks, while his dumb-minded sidekicks repeat every syllable of his routine.

Without thought, without a molecule of analysis, without scrutiny or reason, they regurgitate Trump’s racism and defend his contempt for women and build a wall of steel around his sexual perversions.

Second, as Trump is, in the tradition of the Confederate States of America, a master, the negroes who support him are his slaves.

They lie for him. They live as his dupes and dummies. They make excuses for his mistakes. They vomit his racism over and over again. They excrete vile logic to support his sexism.

Whether on CNN or MSNBC, whether at a political forum or in an interview after a presidential debate, whether answering a question regarding Trump’s glee at grabbing a woman’s butt or discussing his support for police using “stop and frisk” nationwide in black and Latino communities, still his negro supporters wear the collar of his arguments around their necks and the chains of his violent and depraved views around their ankles.

Finally, Judas found it difficult to accept his betrayal of Jesus. Out of guilt, he ended up throwing away his 30 pieces of silver and hung himself from a tree. Trump’s black supporters, on the other hand, seem as serene with betraying black America as a child is at drinking an ounce of Robitussin to get rid of a cough.

This lack of regret and stigma of treachery defines a relationship as damning as the other two mentioned above. Trump, the fool and master of negro republicans and conservatives, and negro republicans and conservatives, the idiots and slaves of Trump, have also entered into a conqueror and snitch relationship.

To be an idiot for Trump, to be his slave and his surrogate implies that you are a traitor to blacks and an enemy of your own self-interest. Hence, by agreeing to become a Trump supporter, you sign a contract to become his informant, his weasel and his Toms and Aunt Jemimas.

The Master Plan
The black supporter of Donald Trump relays a scandalous question from Trump to blacks: What do you have to lose by supporting me? You can become idiots, slaves and snitches like my African-Americans or you can vote for Hillary Clinton.

This dilemma casts almost a demonic shadow on the word “vote.” If by “support” they mean vote for Trump, then that doesn’t make sense because Trump is a racist. If by support they merely mean advocate Trump’s views, then blacks would become a doormat, like Clarence Thomas, and still end up voting for Trump.

Whether it is better, then, to listen to the whispers of self-preservation and self-esteem or the racist propaganda of Toms and Aunt Jemimas, all blacks must decide for themselves. The fate of every race rests on the wisdom of its people.

But Fannie Lou Hammer, the legendary Mississippi black civil rights leader who endured torture and brutality at the hands of white racist policemen, can shed light on this concern.

Hammer’s character was too moral to become a Trump supporter, if she lived today. She would not flatter Trump for his money or bow to the Republican Party for its respect. Her heart would mouth her morality. And what the dignity of her soul inhales, that must she exhale.

By comparison, the black supporters of Trump are as dangerous as a traffic jam or valium mixed with vodka. Ignorant and vain, impotent and clown, Trump has continued to be, from the beginning of the presidential race to the end of the race, Trump. And like him, most of his black supporters dine in the same sewer.

Thus, in making their pitch to black America to support Trump, the knife of stupidity penetrates the heart of common sense.