Steve Harvey as Trump Trash

It’s extremely difficult for demagogues to change, because for them it’s easier to be cruel and brutal than loving and kind. That’s why black America questions comedian and talk show host Steve Harvey’s explanation for meeting with Donald Trump.

Harvey met with then president-elect Trump at the Trump Tower in New York City on January 13, 2017, to ask him to find a job for him in Trump’s administration that focuses on urban issues. Harvey initiated the contact, not Trump. Trump obliged Harvey when he called Ben Carson—his unqualified, incompetent negro nominee at the time to head the Department of Housing and Urban Development—and told him to find a place for Harvey at HUD.

The Backlash Harvey Should Have Sensed Was Coming
Harvey, however, never expected the backlash, the avalanche of boulders that rolled down on him, from tens of thousands of black Americans for what seemed to them an insult to the race.

Harvey received praise for meeting with Trump from the racist FOX News and the white supremacist Breitbart News. But the criticisms from blacks were vicious. They were furious. They were iron gloves punching his intentions and audacity senseless.

Even rappers Snoop Dog and T.I. growled, as kindly as they could, at Harvey for meeting with Trump.

Harvey was so stunned by the ferocious criticisms that he admitted “On a personal note, a lot of ya’ll hurt me. You really did. I didn’t expect the backlash to be so fierce.” Consequently, he attempted to explain why he met with Trump.

Harvey’s Explanation for Meeting With Donald Trump
Harvey wants us to believe that his meeting with Trump was solely for altruistic purposes—to help heal a divided nation and to assure blacks that Trump truly cares about black America.

Thus, Harvey says “Change can only happen when we sit at the table.” And “If we sit at the table, then we can have a say as to what’s to be eaten on the menu. … I have an obligation to take a seat at the table when invited.”

After meeting with Trump, Harvey peppered his comments about the get-together with the roses and lilies of praise for that pathological liar: "I've never seen anybody jump into action so quickly at a request. … I'm not a politician, so quite naturally I'm thinking there's a ton of red tape."

And “When I walked away, [I was] feeling like there might be a real chance for some positive to come out of what so many people think is all gloom and doom.”

We don’t believe Harvey. Why? Because photographs of Harvey and Trump together at Trump Tower show a bald-headed, bright-eyed Harvey, goofy and grinning like a fool and chain-smoking monkey, standing next to a stern-faced, grim-looking Trump bearing the menacing look of Hitler and Emperor Palpatine of the Star Wars movies.

Would Malcolm X or Nelson Mandela or Martin Luther King, Jr. have met with Trump at the bottom of the hill of the tyranny he himself created, just before he began to climb that hill with a swastika in his right hand and a white hood in his left? We don’t think so. Thus, Harvey’s cry that those who condemned him “hurt me” falls like whiskey a drunk vomited in a ditch.

Explanations do not always reveal who we are. Therefore, a word said to be truthful may lack truthfulness. This is how we feel about Harvey.

Though his explanation may sound tenable, it does not leave the impression his motive was altruistic. It seems unbearable and reminds us of soup deluged with nail polish and Talcum powder.

Hence, if Harvey’s explanation is not believable, what might be his true motives for meeting with Trump?

Possible True Motives for Steve Harvey Meeting With Trump
The possibility of profiting from a relationship with the wicked is a powerful incentive, even for the moral and upright. The profit motive—with its inherent dangers, where inhumanity and an oppressive spirit might reside, and which contains oftentimes unkempt whiskers on the chin of a deceitful aim—has doomed the credibility of preachers, politicians, police officers and mothers of Girl Scouts.

Harvey has already exhibited this tendency by his association with the evangelical Christian heretic and mistress of greed and religious hypocrisy Paula White. White appeared on Harvey’s The Steve Harvey Show on July 11, 2016, to counsel a couple having marital problems.

(Paula White? Are you kidding? The Paula White who has been divorced two times, married three times and allegedly had an affair with fellow televangelist and Christian heretic Benny Hinn? That Paula White?)

That Paula White considers the sadistic, sexual pervert Donald Trump a friend—and now, it seems, so does Harvey.

Thus, we can only assume that Harvey met with Trump, not because he deeply cares about the black community, but for his own selfish ambitions, to promote his own wicked self-interests.

Harvey’s true motive for meeting with Trump, then, is, like Paula White’s relationship with Trump, an idol-worshipers nod to opportunism and greed. He wants to eventually engage in profitable business ventures with Trump. And he is willing to stomp on his own integrity and the dignity of black America to achieve that goal.

Hence, Harvey’s altruistic motive is all fat and no meat.

What About Those Other Motives for Meeting With Trump
During the presidential campaign, Harvey joked about and criticized Trump for, among other things, racism, sexual perversion and arrogance. But it’s not enough to denounce a demagogue before he rules as a demagogue. You must denounce him afterward too. Harvey’s lips, however, flip-flopped.

Consequently, by meeting with Trump and offering such a lame explanation for the meeting, he also shook hands with the brothers of opportunism and greed, offering them the respect they do not deserve.

And so now, we can see that Harvey is also a liar, a hypocrite and insincere, just like his fascist buddy Trump. And like a pimp putting stolen but expensive Nigerian pottery on a terrace of hay, his honor and respectability crashed on the concrete below.

He is no longer a mentor to whom parents and preachers, social workers and child psychologists should send young black boys to be mentored and counseled. Otherwise, Marc Lamont Hill, professor of African American Studies at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia, would not have called Harvey “a mediocre negro.”

The Sadness of It All
Harvey’s motives, then, for meeting with Trump are grounded in opportunism, not honor; based on greed, not unselfishness; rooted in lies, not truth; full of hypocrisy, not honesty; built on insincerity, not genuineness; and carries the look and smell of a con man, not the silver smile of a Sojourner Truth or the golden glow of a Frederick Douglass.

And so we wonder …

How could one who criticizes others for greed not condemn his own greed? How could a talk show host who disparages opportunism not see that he himself is an opportunist? How could Harvey strut down the wholesome street of black America wearing the lingerie of lying, the mascara of dishonesty and the red stockings and high black heels of insensitivity to the black struggle against racism?

He who denounces others ought to denounce himself also.

If Harvey, then, wants to truly understand the depth of black America’s rejection of his explanation for meeting with Trump, perhaps he should listen to the lyrics of the O’Jays’ Back Stabbers. Or if not Back Stabbers, then groove to the Bar-Kays’ Holy Ghost. Or if not Holy Ghost, then jam to James Brown’s Say It Loud, I’m Black and I'm Proud.

But, then, he can also just wallow in the sewage of being a Trump nigger.