Is Donald Trump Boning Kellyanne and Omarosa?

That question is not unfair. It is not malevolent. And it certainly is not sarcasm.

That question is a political and moral question, as legitimate and valid as any sensible motion an attorney presents in a rape case. That question is about the character of the Lucifer behind the White Evangelical Christian cult. It is about the grand wizard of the Republican Party, about the fuhrer of your United States. About Donald Trump as septic tank and toilet.

And as a cold untreated can lead to fever, and fever to the flu and the flu to pneumonia or even death, so that question naturally leads to a discussion of the relationship between Donald Trump and sexual perversion.

Who was Baby Brianna?
Baby Brianna was born on Valentine’s Day, 2002, in a New Mexico hospital and given the name Brianna Lopez by her mother Stephanie Lopez and father Andy Walters. Baby Brianna died on July 19, 2002, just five months after her birth. She died after being brutally beaten and abused by her parents and uncle, Steve Lopez, for those five terrifying months.

For 153 days, those perverts tortured little Brianna. They raped her, slapped her, kicked her, punched her, pinched her and threw her against the wall. At the hospital where she died, doctors and nurses—some crying, some trembling—found lacerations on the little one’s vagina and anus, which had been poked, inserted, stuck and stabbed with fingers, sticks and anything else the perverts could find.

Additionally, a bruised and battered Brianna had sustained broken ribs, broken legs and broken arms. And she was bleeding from the brain.

As you can see, sexual perversion—in fact, all forms of perversion—is not normal like gargling with mouthwash. And unlike the peacock, it is as fowl to the fantasy as skunks to the nose when they are attacked.

If a man is possessed by sexual perversion, also known as paraphilia in the medical and psychiatric communities, sexual passions abnormal, repulsive and obsessive cause him to convulse with the sexual instincts of a jackal or red fox.

The Alarming Case of Jerry Sandusky
Such demons—such a damp, dark restaurant of fantasies, behaviors and urges—are difficult to exorcise because they involve nonhuman sexual objects, such as shoes or undergarments; require the suffering or humiliation of oneself and others; and seduce children or other non-consenting persons to enter the cave of disgusting and degrading sexual activities.

Thus, on June 22, 2012, a jury consisting of seven women and five men found Jerry Sandusky guilty on 45 of the 48 counts against him. The jury convicted him of eight counts of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, seven counts of indecent assault, one count of criminal intent to commit indecent assault, nine counts of unlawful contact with minors, 10 counts of corruption of minors and 10 counts of endangering the welfare of children.

Sandusky was the former assistant football coach at Penn State under its famed football coach Joe Paterno. The Pennsylvania attorney general’s office initiated charges against Sandusky in 2008 after a student at Central Mountain High School in Mill Hall, Pennsylvania, made allegations of sexual abuse against him. The investigation reached a new level of urgency when it became apparent that the allegations were not an isolated set of incidents, but that Sandusky had a strategy to abuse vulnerable boys.

Through his Second Mile charity organization, Sandusky would first approach potential victims, typically boys without a father living at home, when they were 8 to 12 years old. Subsequently, Sandusky employed classic child grooming strategies, such as offering trips to football games or bestowing gifts, which would lead to incremental touching. This form of manipulation is generally the modus operandi of pedophiles as a ploy to build trust while invading personal boundaries—all part of instilling confusion, leading up to and part of the sexual abuse.

Eventually, Sandusky often initiated overtly sexual behavior in the locker room showers. The testimony of one victim, who said he was forced to put his hand on Sandusky’s erection when he was 8 to 10 years old, particularly outraged investigators. “The poor kid was too young to even understand what an erection was,” one investigator said.

Hence, the menu of activities served to those young boys by Sandusky included most, if not all, of the types of sexual perversions. Exhibitionism, or exposure of the genitals; fetishism, or the use of nonliving objects; frotteurism, or touching and rubbing against a non-consenting person; pedophilia, or the focus on children as sexual prey; sexual masochism, or the receiving of humiliation or suffering; sexual sadism, or the inflicting of humiliation or suffering; transvestic fetishism, or cross-dressing; and voyeurism, or watching others engage in undressing or sexual activity.

Jeffrey Epstein, the Billionaire Pedophile
Some psychoanalysts believe that the conditions which lead to such perversions exemplified by Sandusky and the parents of baby Brianna represent a regression in which an individual repeats or reverts to a sexual habit arising early in life. Other psychoanalysts hold that these conditions are caused by expressions of hostility in which sexual fantasies or unusual sexual acts become a means of obtaining revenge for a childhood trauma, such as child molestation.

And others, such as behaviorists, suggest that sexual perversion begins as a process of conditioning. For example, nonsexual objects, such as a broom handle or hair comb, can become sexually arousing if they are frequently and repeatedly associated with a pleasurable sexual activity. Yet, some predisposing factor may also play a part, such as difficulty forming person-to-person sexual relationships or poor self-esteem.

Thus, circumstances that compel a person to become a sexual pervert could overfill a jar meant for jelly beans. These circumstances may include parents who humiliate and punish a small boy for strutting around with an erect penis, a young girl whose daddy or uncles rub her vagina, a young boy who is dressed in panties and stockings as a form of parental punishment, fear of sexual performance or intimacy, inadequate counseling, excessive drinking of alcohol, physical problems, socio-cultural factors, and psychosexual trauma.

Such circumstances explain how Jeffrey Epstein became a prolific sexual predator. Epstein is the glamour boy who includes among his friends and acquaintances such celebrities as Donald Trump, Kevin Spacey, Prince Andrew and Naomi Campbell. In 2008, Epstein was convicted of soliciting sex from an underage girl and quietly paid settlements to scores of alleged victims who said he serially molested them. But the girls kept coming out of the woodwork.

For example, in 2014, another young woman filed a lawsuit claiming that Epstein used her as a sex slave for his powerful friends and that she had been at parties on his private island with former President Clinton. A woman known as Katie Johnson filed a lawsuit in New York accusing Epstein and Donald Trump of raping her at a series of sex parties when she was only 13.

Where Do We Place Donald Trump?
Based on this information regarding sexual perversion, one could argue that Trump is more akin to a sexual pervert than a moose is to a horse.

Whether being accused of rape by his first wife Ivana Trump or being charged with child molestation in the lawsuit by Johnson or boasting that he used to grab women by the pussy—or whether even committing something less vulgar, such as eyeballing the breasts of a translator while he and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe were meeting at the White House and at Trump’s private Mar-a-Lago golf resort in Palm Beach, Florida, during the weekend of February 11, 2017—Trump could be a Stephanie Lopez, an Andy Walters, a Jeffery Epstein or a Jerry Sandusky, or even a Jeffrey Dahmer or Ted Bundy, or even perhaps an all-in-one.

And so those who adore the sexual rights of the most innocent and vulnerable among us must ask the gross and vomit-inducing questions. For example, has Trump ever had sex with goats, pigs, dogs and kangaroos?

Thus, sexual perversion even when veiled, blurred or covered in mascara, like an itch on the arm or a rhinoceros shot in the dark for its ivory, does not care about sexual innocence. Just like an alien from the heavens, he cares nothing for those on earth.

What About Kellyanne and Omarosa?
Well, given the definition, types and causes of sexual perversion—given Trump’s voluminous history book, his volcano, so to speak, of perverted sexual activities—the possibly that he is having sex with Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s Counselor to the President, and Omarosa Manigault, his Director of Communications for the Office of Public Liaison, is not unthinkable and could be as sure as concrete is hard.

If this suggestion results merely from our distaste for and personal vendettas against Trump, Trump’s trolls on Twitter, Reddit and Facebook would be justified in condemning the suggestion. But morality argues that a higher principle of accountability underlies the accusation: the virtue of womanhood, that flower of tenderness on the window sill of silk adorations and purple cushions of never-ending esteem.

Such beauty is not marred by the possibility of ugliness. And in this case, the ugliness of Trump as a sexual pervert cannot strip the gold from womanhood’s elegance.

In contrast, sexual perversion is a wild, lawless boxing match in which the moment the pervert enters the ring, two or more referees should enter it too. Donald Trump in the White House has no sexual constraints. And vengeance begs for a savior.