The Koch Brothers: Raised to be Nazis

The Koch Brothers: Raised to be Nazis

People raised to believe in certain beliefs will generally retain those beliefs in their original or varied forms as they age and grow gray. This tendency apparently applies to the right-wing and libertarian Koch brothers, David and Charles, according to a new book by Jane Mayer called Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right.

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Christmas and the Immeasurable Radiance of Kwanzaa

Christmas and the Immeasurable Radiance of Kwanzaa

Christmas originated in the womb of the Roman Catholic Church from several ancient festivals and religions. For example, the Church instituted the “Twelve Days of Christmas” to rival the 12-day celebration of the “Feast of Fools,” a festival of the ancient religion called Mithraism, which included such amusements as feasting with a boar's head.

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Combat: Fighting for Black Reparations

Combat: Fighting for Black Reparations

Sometimes, an idea downplayed is an idea remade. Black reparations is one of those ideas. When Congressman John Conyers, Jr., who represents Michigan’s 13th District, submitted bill H.R. 40 for consideration by the House of Representatives in 1989, he and other blacks cheered in hopes that the bill on black reparations would pass, if not in that year, in a few years afterward.

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Ku Klux Klan Infiltrates NAACP … With the Blessing of the NAACP

Ku Klux Klan Infiltrates NAACP … With the Blessing of the NAACP

Recently, the Ku Klux Klan pulled off one of the most astounding coups in the long catalog of racial hate and hysteria in America. It managed to maneuver its way into the veins of the NAA CP as if it were a sound never heard. But just as high blood pressure and diabetes are caused, not by the diseases themselves, but in general by the victims of those diseases, so the Klan neither laid the trap nor pulled the rope that snared that sweet herb of civil rights activism.

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