The Koch Brothers: Raised to be Nazis

People raised to believe in certain beliefs will generally retain those beliefs in their original or varied forms as they age and grow gray.

This tendency apparently applies to the right-wing and libertarian Koch brothers, David and Charles, according to a new book by Jane Mayer called Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right.

In the book, Mayer documents how, in 1934, Fred Koch, the Koch brothers’ father, in partnership with William Rhodes Davis, an American businessman who has previously been called a “Nazi Agent of Influence,” drew up engineering plans for a large oil refinery near Hamburg, Germany, and oversaw its construction.

The wicked mass-murderer Adolf Hitler gave the refinery his personal blessing, and it went on to play a vital role in the Third Reich’s war effort. It became the third largest oil refinery under Nazi control and supplied fuel for Nazi warplanes to drop fire and metal on lakeside Polish restaurants, to crumble into fragments of marble centuries-old French cathedral churches, and to turn the flesh of Russian school children into running, screaming flames, and smoldering ashes.

This venture, among others during the Nazi era, is not mentioned in an online history published by Koch Industries, the $115 billion company founded by Fred Koch and passed down, like ebola or hepatitis, from father to sons.

Moreover, as Mayer details, Fred Koch was so impressed with Nazism that he hired, as governess to nurture his eldest sons, a nanny more Nazi than most Nazis.

In a larger sense, Mayer’s book is enlightening and informative. But it is also cruel, because it huddles with facts in a mosque of truth, yet leaves us mourning for hymns of joy and hums of peace.

It seems, evidently, having been raised to be Nazis, the Koch brothers took a slow trot to neo-Nazism after the Nazis lost World War II. And America stinks of sewage ever since.

Some may disagree with this assessment. But if the Koch brothers had not been raised as Nazis, perhaps it would be more difficult to conclude that they are neo-Nazis. But they were raised as Nazis and becoming a neo-Nazi is as natural to them as drinking water full of powdered coke when you’re thirsty.

Keep in mind, as “Nazi” insinuates you believe in Nazism, “neo-Nazi” also implies you believe in Nazism, but with a little less steam. Nazism is a loudspeaker; neo-Nazism is the squeak just before the loudspeaker is turned on or off. Neo-Nazism is the noose; Nazism is the hangman.

Thus, the Koch brothers possess the wealth, the power, the desire, the depravity and the pedigree to become neo-Nazis. And they did.

How else can you explain why the Koch brothers have become libertarians? How else can you justify why they formed and poured money like lead-laden moonshine into the neo-Nazi and racist Tea Party, why they challenge federal and state laws regulating their businesses, and why they find it so easy—so very, very easy—to bribe negro republicans and conservatives, stalking them with the wet mop of cash and the hunting knife of greed and extortion?

Libertarianism is the perfect crow for neo-Nazi squawks, because without federal or state control, businesses can discriminate at will, racists can kill with impunity, and white Christian fundamentalists and evangelicals can practice bigotry vacant of the burden, minus the backpack of morality.

With libertarianism, then, the vices of the Koch brothers and the virtues of Nazism converge not as impersonators, but as true brothers. The sins of the Koch brothers spread the blessings of Nazism, while the blessings of Nazism add muscle to the evils of the Koch brothers. Each gives moisture to hate.

Moreover, as Hitler had his Catholics and Nazism had its Lutherans, the Koch brothers have their white right-wing Christians.

And, sometimes, all the millions of Jews and Roma Hitler and his butchers, such as the Koch brothers’ father, slaughtered as gladiators of Nazi pride seem like tiny globes covering millions of tinier street lamps compared to the universe of audacities, the hostile globe of worldwide arrogance, the Koch brothers have displayed by handpicking a cartel of black snitches and a posse of back-stabbing opportunists to betray the innocence of the black community.

Negro columnists who re-publish Koch brothers’ press releases as their own columns, negro policy-makers who copy and post Koch brothers’ talking points as though they wrote them themselves, negro storytellers who repeat Koch brothers’ tales as if they were alluring. Thank God, black America has stuffed her ears with cotton.

So, as you can see, the Koch brothers have lived as the Koch brothers ever since the crib. When they were young, they were raised to be Nazis. And now that they are old, doesn’t it make sense for them to have become neo-Nazis?

We owe this inference to Mayer’s well-researched book (and other books, blogs and articles like it). And because of it, many now agree that the Koch brothers are indeed neo-Nazis, because “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6).