New Year’s Racial Justice Resolutions for 2017

Resolutions are the contagion of society. Everybody makes them; nobody keeps them. Or so it seems. Yet, the struggle to keep resolutions plays chess with our feelings, bringing shame to our weaknesses and avalanches of frustrations to our efforts.

Nonetheless, resolutions do serve a purpose: We become apprentices to goals we normally would not consider.

That’s why New Year’s resolutions, the worst resolutions of them all, still serenade us with seductive oaths and pledges. And that’s why the following thirteen New Year’s resolutions, though controversial, may help blacks battle racism more furiously in 2017 and advance the cause of racial and social justice.

1. Petition the United Nations to declare despotic U.S. police departments terrorist organizations. This action will trigger meteors of anger from the New York, Chicago, Miami and other police departments, as well as conservative politicians and right-wing bigots.

But the petition, in-and-of itself, even if rejected by the UN, will rally world sentiment around the premise that the U.S. is as much a sewer of terror as apartheid South Africa, Mexico’s drug cartels and the Islamic State.

You don’t turn on a flashlight to see the sun, but you must document years of police brutality to argue that the NYPD, for example, is terrorist. And the documentation for that argument lives painfully in the court records, news media and anguished, tearful pleas of terrified American citizens going back over 250 years or more.

2. Officially declare the Republican Party a racist party. Most blacks consider the Tea Party a racist, neo-Nazi movement certified and condemned. So why shouldn’t we call the party that shelters such lice racist too?

A platform by such brave movements as Black Lives Matter and their affiliated organizations branding the Republican Party racist—and blasting that message on radio, advertising it on billboards, marketing it through social media, and teaching it in schools and churches—such a bright, blazing flare, such an all-consuming heat of accuracy, shines the sun of truth on a sentiment long hidden in the cave of reticence.

3. Boycott racist white media, such as FOX News, the New York Post and Breitbart News, because an educated bigot is more of a bigot than an uneducated bigot. Educated bigots use the dwarf of perverted reason to advance their bigotry, while uneducated bigots are the pathetic little dolls educated bigots toy with.

The heads of those uneducated bigots are placed on the anvil of nonsense and beaten into shape with the hammer of white supremacy.

4. Create a black racial justice organization similar to the Nelson-Mandela-led African National Congress. Establish the organization as a civil rights, economic development, philanthropic and counter-terrorism group to defend and fight for black rights.

When appropriate, Mandela and other African liberation leaders tossed passive resistance aside, as if it were a wooden gun. Instead, they chose armed resistance as an alternative, and supplement, to non-violent protest. After 60 or more years of passive resistance, and with only a tea cup full of progress to show for it, shouldn’t African-Americans act as wisely as the African freedom fighters?

5. Classify white fundamentalist and evangelical Christianity as an anti-black Christian sect. Why? Because it still distorts true Christianity. It still condones bigotry. It still supports racist groups, organizations and movements, such as the Tea Party, and defends right-wing terrorist nations, such as Israel and the Ukraine. And its horde of members, its scorpions, voted overwhelming for the racist, sexual pervert, pathological liar, fraud, clown and con man Donald Trump for president of the United States.

6. Bravely and boldly label modern black conservatism an Uncle Tom movement managed by white right-wing bigots to sabotage the black community. Keep in mind that few things scare us as much as a solitary scream or a determined sprinter trying to outrun the blast of a nuclear bomb. But brothers and sisters, drunk on an alien philosophy and intent on destroying the family, surpass them both.

7. Designate certain black republicans and conservatives, such as former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, as war criminals and human rights violators. Some blacks are hesitant to do this because of, as in Rice’s case, her academic, scholarly and political credentials.

But if every black in America was a member of a black freedom-fighting group that beheaded white racist pastors, ambushed and killed racist republican politicians and bombed the houses of neo-Nazis, the violence of those actions would not equal or surpass the unwillingness to condemn black American mass murderers just because they are scholars or celebrities.

We don’t hesitate to call African dictators dictators. So why shouldn’t we grant humanity the courtesy of calling black American leaders, if it applies, tyrants and despots?

8. Encourage, and help fund and finance, black entrepreneurs to form their own businesses. If we don’t follow this commonsense advice, then the term “black businesses” will become more mute than a whisper.

9. Urge, and provide funding for, more black students to attend college. Guide them to major in disciplines with long-lasting benefits to the black community, such as cyber security, chemistry, journalism, biology, computer science, pre-med and medicine, and pre-law and law.

10. Recommend that blacks join the military or law-enforcement agencies when appropriate to gain needed expertise, not only to defend American society, but also African-American society from crime, racism and terrorism. Is there danger in this advice? Probably.

The black who is an expert in arresting, shooting and killing could become a flunky for white bigots and an enemy of black America, like Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke, Jr. On the other hand, such well-trained blacks could become some of black America’s best defenders, strategists and intelligence operatives.

11. Establish buy-from-black businesses seminars nationwide to encourage blacks to frequent black businesses. Hopefully, such seminars will help liberate the black community from the asylum of white control over its prosperity.

12. Fight the character and policies of the fuhrer-elect of the United States, Donald Trump, as if you were resisting the Zika virus or Ebola. Trump’s lying and sexual perversion is well known. There is a strong possibility that he is a rapist and stronger probability that he is a child molester. And it is hard to deny that he is as much a threat to blacks as the imperial wizard of the KKK.

And like Hitler, Trump cares little for the disabled, has no affection for the elderly and social security, and will encourage Israel in its attempts at genocide against the Palestinians. And as a buffoon, he incites hatred against blacks and other minorities and will approve actions and institute and re-institute policies to advance terror and hate within and among American communities.

The smell of such a skunk, such a landfill of evil, must be resisted through protest and, if necessary, armed resistance.  

13. Engage traditional civil rights organizations and leaders in lively debate as to why they still support a non-violence-only approach to fighting social injustice and racism, when it clearly no longer works. When a technique has grown feeble, to discard it becomes a duty.

In such a case, it’s better to lose ten thousand boxing matches than hold on to, like a crippled poodle, one leg of a frail and ailing method.

In summary, those who consecrate themselves to truth and justice rarely—even if inclined to, even if bribed and seduced—abandon a righteous cause. They aim to crown their struggle for racial and social justice with the trophy of victory.

Thus, the thirteen abovementioned resolutions may aid in this regard, insofar as resolutions are practical. But resolutions, even when not followed, still can inspire and, perhaps, summon comets of change.