Trump on Dumb Republicans
Purported statement by Trump that Republicans are so dumb they will vote for him.

Hitler Would Support Trump
Joke that Hitler would support Trump for preseident.

KKK for Donald Trump
Satire that the KKK would support Donald Trump for president.

Trump Hitler Salute
Collage with Donald Trump making a Hitler salute.

Trump So Like the Fascist Mussolini
Donald Trump with the demeanor of the Italian fascist leader Mussolini.

Donald Trump's Hair
Cartoon that parody's Donald Trump hair to the gospel and civil rights' song "We Shall Overcome."

Trump Is a Fraud

Donald Trump is Evil
Image of Google and follownews website. Attributed to Getty Images/Warner Bros.

Trump Hires Illegal Immigrants as Models
Donald Trump's New York modeling agency, Trump Model Management, has profited from using foreign models who came to the United States on tourist visas that did not permit them to work here, according to three former Trump models, all noncitizens ....

Trump as Elephant
Cartoon comparing Donald Trump to an elephant.

Trump With Donkey Caricature
Cartoon shows Donald Trump with donkey caricature.

Make America White Again
Cartoon that parody's Donald Trump's campaign slogan.

Trump Big Hair
Cartoon found on Toonpool.com.